Lake Pontchatrain

When I saw the waters of Lake Pontchatrain, 
I was transported back again 
To a time out of time
On a second line

Marching to their own serenade
Suspended on a sweet refrain
The saints and the haints at the Mississippi’s gate 
Come drifting in on the steamy haze

We pray for a breeze 
To stir the leaves of the 
Live oaks draped in Spanish moss
Feel the rhythm and pulse 

Of this human gumbo
The threat rain but thunder only rumbles
Sunlight dancing on Lake Ponchatrain
Hoo doo magic calling me again

Final draft:

Lake Pontchatrain by Matt Donald 2/26/24

Whenever she thinks
of Lake Pontchatrain 
It transports her back again 
To a place out of time

With the second line
Suspended on a sweet refrain
Heat expands into the day
Senses dull in steamy haze

Haste dissolves to a languid crawl
While she prays for a breeze 
Through ancient trees
Draped in Spanish moss shawls

Moonlight on Lake Pontchatrain
Hoo doo magic calls her name
The drums arise as they explain
The pull she feels of Pontchatrain 

Amid cypress swamps 
And the oven vaults
Line between life and death blurs 

The rise and fall 
Of feet at a ball

Render everyday worries absurd 
The rhythm and pulse 
Of this human gumbo

A threat of rain that only rumbles

The saints and haints 
On bayou banks
Mingle in frenzied bustle

Moonlight on Lake Pontchatrain
Hoo doo magic calls her name
The drums arise as they explain
The pull she feels of Pontchatrain

I originally wrote the first draft after a trip to New Orleans last June. I thought I had it pretty well finished around July, but decided to put it down for a while. Flash forward to yesterday and I made countless revisions to get it to where it is today. You can see how different it is, but I tried really hard to keep the original concepts that inspired me in the first place